Evaluative report on Pallavi Group of Schools
Executive Summary
In this detailed evaluative report from the year 2020-2021, the work condition of the employees of a renowned educational institution Pallavi Model School, Hyderabad, is the primary subject. The report evaluates the difference between employee satisfaction in 2020-2021 in comparison with the pre-pandemic situation. The methodology used in this report presents personal interactions with employees and their families and collects data from the management of the institution. The surveys conducted during this evaluative report have helped the director map points to conclude that due to the pandemic, there has been a significant decline in the quality of teaching in the institution. The job satisfaction percentage has dropped from 51% to 29% in the span of one year of the pandemic. Towards the end of the report, the director mentions the findings and recommendations she proposed.
The director of the PMS Group of schools would like to sincerely thank all the teaching staff of the school who participated in the interviews conducted; the organization's management for their cooperation; the family members of the teaching staff for sharing their points of view. All the comments and suggestions offered by program managers were duly reflected in the report, as appropriate.
Executive Summary
Pallavi Model School has been a legacy of a dynamic group of schools since 1995. It is one of the most renowned institutions in secondary education in Hyderabad. It always caters to their high levels of education and competition. PMS is distinguished by its 100% parental satisfaction and holistic education.
The school staff has shown high levels of satisfaction in wages and income along with a healthy workplace atmosphere. The following data from the year 2019 shows the satisfaction rate of the teaching staff in PMS.
In this evaluative report, the institution's director will present the data and composition of the degradation of the teaching staff due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the year 2020-2021. This report will evaluate the factors affecting employee dissatisfaction after a streak of 30+ years. The below pie chart represents the data of the survey of job satisfaction taken in the year 2021. There is a higher percentage of 62% of job satisfaction marked in the color brown.
Important stakeholders in this evaluation are
School Management
Families of the teachers
The funding agency of the school
For example: In the year 2019, the salary of the teacher teaching the Primary section of the school was rupees 25K and job satisfaction rate was 69%. Soon after the pandemic hit, the salary dropped to rupees 22K and job satisfaction to 34%.
After consulting the staff and management of the school, here are some reasons why the above scenario happened:
Parents stopped paying fees: According to the data presented by the fee department of the organization, parents had stopped paying fees because of the economic crisis which had struck the whole country. There were many parents who refused to pay for the amenities provided by school because of the reason of not using them during online classes. This affected the management to many levels. The non-teaching staff had received almost no money just like other private institutions. The compensation for the lack of funds was done through cutting salaries of the teachers.
Online classes - Shifting to a completely new way of education was neither easy for children nor teachers. The teachers who were not good at technology struggled due to this. This lead to added pressure on their jobs and increased job dissatisfaction.
Family disbalance: COVID-19 took a toll on everyone’s mental and physical health. Many teachers lost their family members which directly affected their jobs. Out of 213 employed teaching staff, 13 resigned due to family issues. The reason listed was, the death of a family member, physical health deteriorating, and offspring concerns.
Stakeholders Involved and how they have been affected:
Teachers: This category of stakeholders have been affected the most as mentioned in the above introduction. The teachers who have been working since 2001 with a job satisfaction rate of 76% have reportedly felt left out during the pandemic.
School Management: The Management staff including the principal, vice-principal, and accountants of the school have been affected drastically too. The difference between their data is that they had no choice but to continue in the institution. According to the survey, even though they wanted to resign, they had no option to do so.
Families of the Staff: In one of the many interviews conducted by the director of the school, the families of the staff were equally affected by this shift in salary and mental pressure. One of the complaints were, “There was a lack of funding from the school during this time, on top of this, there was extra pressure on my wife to learn new and innovative tools to keep the class engaged. It was clear employee exploitation.”
Students: The main customer the institution served, the students were left dissatisfied in the course of the pandemic. Resignation of teachers without prior notice had left the students hanging in the middle of nowhere. This affected the flow of thoughts that were already scattered throughout the pandemic.
Funding Agency: They faced a huge loss due to the pandemic. Pallavi Model School had two angel investors and during these tough times, both of these investors had to back off because they weren't getting enough profit from the institution.
Overall, Pallavi Group of Schools had faced a severe crisis during the pandemic which dropped their employee satisfaction rate drastically. Even in current times, due to this setback, they are not getting enough employment and searching for valuable employees.
The following are the directors' recommendations for the institution
Every institution has its own set of highs and lows, and after evaluating the conditions and crisis faced by Pallavi Groups of Schools, the director recommends a video to be put on the current situation of the school. It is 2023 and a lot has changed since the pandemic. If they want to change the image of the school, they have to show it to the audience.
Find reliable investors who would stick by even in the toughest times
Expand the network of schools for better income and profit to teachers and students.
Keep a tab of the number of students dropping out due to education dissatisfaction and work towards the same.
Bring back the legacy of education by rooting hope again in the parents and teachers. Adapt to NEP 2020 in order to attract more students and improve the quality of education.
Keep the management and staff updated on the new technologies and techniques to handle their class better.
Regular mentoring of teachers on their mental health can also be a great addition.
This evaluative report reflected on the crisis faced by Pallavi group of school in teacher salary and job dissatisfaction. According to the data presented by the fee department of the organization, parents had stopped paying fees because of the economic crisis which had struck the whole country. Many parents refused to pay for the amenities provided by the school because of their reason for not using them during online classes. This affected the management on many levels. The non-teaching staff had received almost no money, just like other private institutions. The compensation for the lack of funds was done by cutting salaries of the teachers. Overall, Pallavi Group of Schools had faced a severe crisis during the pandemic which dropped their employee satisfaction rate drastically. Even in current times, due to this setback, they are not getting enough employment and searching for valuable employees. By the suggested recommendations by the author, the evaluation can progress in the coming years.
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